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Colorado Prospector - Gem and mineral prospecting and mining forums _ Human and Mechanically Powered Adventures _ Firewood Cutting

Posted by: Mrs.CP Sep 29 2012, 12:58 PM

There are alot of things one must do to be safe when out cutting for firewood. One of the first things to do is to evaluate the area you will be cutting in.
This is a picture of CP showing our son a BIG HAZZARD someone left, that he spotted when looking around the property we are working on.

Here is a picture of what the guys are looking at smiley-shocked003.gif ........Can you see the hazzard? It's really easy to miss! Exactly why it is such a hazzard and could easily kill someone just wandering around not paying attention. stop.gif wacko.gif

Posted by: Caveman Sep 29 2012, 09:00 PM

WOW! jawdrop.gif That one took me awhile to find..... I wouldn't want to walk by there on a windy day! There'd be almost no warning!

Posted by: russau Sep 30 2012, 06:59 AM

"hangers", waiting to knock your block off!

Posted by: Mrs.CP Sep 30 2012, 08:21 PM

Here is a closer look at what I was refering to. This is a tree that a previous cutter left (not Dan and myself). It should have been pulled down with a truck and chain. Never leave a cut tree hung up like this, very dangerous!! Natural hangers are bad enough to worry about.

Posted by: Mrs.CP Oct 6 2012, 07:21 AM

Pulling the tree down was a bit of a task, especially with only 2 wheel drive but it is done. whew.gif

I took a video if anyone is interested in seeing.

Posted by: Caveman Oct 6 2012, 09:49 AM

QUOTE (Mrs.CP @ Oct 6 2012, 08:21 AM) *
Pulling the tree down was a bit of a task, especially with only 2 wheel drive but it is done. whew.gif

I took a video if anyone is interested in seeing.

I woud love to see it!


Posted by: Mrs.CP Oct 7 2012, 07:17 AM

Here is a video of the first tree being pulled down.....

 Downed_Tree.wmv ( 3.87MB ) : 856

This is a second tree that also hungup in the other trees and had to be pulled down.....

 Downed_Tree2.wmv ( 535.58K ) : 762

Posted by: leonard Oct 7 2012, 09:20 AM

Great looking firewood cutting area. If you lived closer I'd come out and join you for a day. I always enjoyed cutting wood. I took my kids a lot and they still remember it also.

Posted by: russau Oct 8 2012, 06:36 AM

if Loenard would come down to help cutting of the fire wood, you better get a tractor trailer to haul all that gets cut! he is a cutting machine!:)

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jan 11 2013, 01:17 PM

This is a private land owner that is giving Dan access for wood cutting. Quite a bit of dead wood as far as the eye can see.....for deep in the woods. giggle.gif

Forcast is calling for -29 tonight but is always colder than they call for. wacko.gif Felt like I was in the Frogger game dodging HUGE tumble weeds when I was outside earlier. desert.gif Ever get nailed by a tumble weed traveling around 40-50 mph? stop.gif Like having a Porcupine thrown at you.

Better get busy if we want to keep ahead of the weather..... chores017.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Sep 6 2013, 10:44 AM

Time to get busy again! happy112.gif Warming up and making room for the "big" tree that will be coming down soon. biggrin.gif

Rats! Tree landed right on a bee hive on the ground, making it more interesting!


Posted by: swizz Sep 6 2013, 11:23 AM

That's a big un!
Large enough to slab and make end tables.

Posted by: Mrs.CP Sep 6 2013, 11:46 AM

The big one that he is going to cut down soon dwarfs that one. Dan was going to rent a bigger saw for it but the only "one" they rent is the same size as his. Not helpful! rolleyes.gif Guess he will have to saw at it like a beaver... giggle.gif Will yield alot of firewood including it's limbs!

Posted by: swizz Sep 6 2013, 12:28 PM

The one in that pic would make a great tomahawk target... just the way it sits.

Posted by: Mrs.CP Sep 10 2013, 10:06 AM

That tree was definately a limby beast. The larger one we are going to get should sit the trunk much higher off the ground. Those things are scary to cut up after they are down but we are very safe when out cutting. happy088.gif

Posted by: swizz Sep 10 2013, 12:39 PM

Yeah, I noticed Dan has a nice pair of the Stihl chaps in that pic. I need a pair! They're not cheap though.

Posted by: Mrs.CP Sep 11 2013, 12:14 PM

They may not be cheap but they last a long time......therefore helping your legs last longer! happy112.gif


Posted by: Mrs.CP Sep 24 2013, 09:32 AM

Look out, it's coming down!!!!....TIMMMBER!! happy112.gif


Posted by: Mrs.CP Sep 25 2013, 06:50 AM

Here is a picture of it still standing. It's the tall one in the middle.

This is a picture of CP cutting it down. Notice it's mean lean?

You could hear the cracking when it started to fall. The thing sounded like an explosion when it hit the ground! Left a huge mess as you can see. Branches still stood about 12-13 feet up with it down.

Here is a picture of Tim and Dan cleaning it up. Those trunk pieces were huge (not shown cut yet)! No chunk tossing for these, had to roll them back to the truck....uphill. wacko.gif Arms and legs feel like wet noodles today.

Only half cut up it filled the truck, so another day of cleaning it up. Couple cords in this one! happy088.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Sep 26 2013, 08:36 AM

Here is a picture of Dan flattening off the stump. Good thing this tree was taken down, the termites had the bottom center rotted out so it would have come down on it's own in a few years with that mean lean and weight.

We prepped for falling this tree for several days, taking down the trees close that would hang it up. Good thing too! Here is a picture of where it fell. Right on top of a stump of one we cut. Can even see how close it was to another stump. Hit the stump so hard it drove it sideways and into the ground folding the bark. smiley-shocked003.gif A branch of the tree right next to the stump drove in about 3 feet. Wow!!

This is a picture with just a few of the chunks. We relocated the truck and these were rolled downhill to load..... whew.gif Was enough just getting them into the truck!

Took no time to load! slaphead.gif Man was the truck loaded down with her nose in the air when we finished. thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

Stay safe out there everyone!

Posted by: russau Sep 27 2013, 04:13 AM

yep i remeber getting 2 safes(2x2x2) and my brother and i loaded it into his 1/2 ton truck. BOY was that a mistake! but we got them and had the nose really pointed into the air and could only drive about 10/15 MPH. the tires were barely touching the street. the rest is a long story thats better shared by a campfire and a cold drink!:)

Posted by: Caveman Sep 27 2013, 10:06 AM

Gonna have to take you up on that!

Posted by: russau Sep 27 2013, 12:47 PM

look for me in Wyoming next June/July or on the Arkansa come Labor Day if my back is any better!

Posted by: Caveman Sep 27 2013, 10:44 PM

Depending on where on the Arkansas, we might have a place for you to rest yer weary bones!

Posted by: Mrs.CP Sep 28 2013, 09:02 AM

Winds were REALLY bad the other day and took down LOTS of live and dead trees.Not a day to be out cutting! Lots were cleared from the roads but several are still there. Some were left as we call them "widow makers or hangers". Not safe and several were hanging over the roads. smiley-shocked003.gif Here are a few pictures of some hanging. First picture is of one being held up by another Aspen...but not for long, it will snap soon!

This last picture is to show how high some of these trees snapped. Bet it was a loud scary day in these woods! unsure.gif

After dropping and buzzing up several trees, it started to rain and get windy again so we headed out.
Nature sure has a way of saying "Look at me!"

Posted by: Caveman Sep 30 2013, 02:45 AM

QUOTE (Mrs.CP @ Sep 28 2013, 10:02 AM) *
Nature sure has a way of saying "Look at me!"

She also has a way of saying "Stop" and "Get the H*** OUT!" caveman.gif

Posted by: russau Sep 30 2013, 04:34 AM

the last time i fooled around with firewood, i used my ATV to drive out into the woods and wrap a chain around a downed dead tree and drag it back to camp where the young/strong guys with the chain saws would go to work on it.

Posted by: Mrs.CP Oct 1 2013, 07:13 AM

QUOTE (Caveman @ Sep 30 2013, 02:45 AM) *
She also has a way of saying "Stop" and "Get the H*** OUT!" caveman.gif

laugh.gif True! As we did, but I am the type that likes to step back and watch and learn. biggrin.gif

That is how we pulled the logs out we were cutting down for someone several years ago. He had a huge pile Russ! It was stacking the logs that was the hard part. wacko.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Oct 11 2013, 07:34 AM

While moving one of those huge chunks from the big tree, it rolled over and fell against my ankle.....ouch did that leave a mark! Steel toe shoes are good to have when out working but not helpful when it hits the side of your foot. slaphead.gif I'm going to feel that one for a while!!

Here is a picture of a tree (with the Raven on it) that has at the top of it. No, it's not the kind of Mistletoe that you kiss someone under at Christmas time. biggrin.gif This mistletoe is a big tree killer in Colorado's forests. Click the link and you can learn more about it through the Colorado Forest Service site.

Stay safe out there everyone!!

Posted by: Mrs.CP Oct 16 2013, 09:51 AM

You need one of these Dan......but I can guarantee that you would be safer with yours though. happy112.gif

"" Tree is HUGE in this video!!!

I could think of more usefull ways to do something like this also, but in ways that you wouldn't have to lift it....

A girl can dream right?

Posted by: ColoradoProspector Oct 18 2013, 09:25 AM

A longer bar and chain sure would have been handy for the big one but we got it handled.
Don't think I'd want a V8 chainsaw.....that's crazy! Handheld even! Yikes!! smiley-shocked003.gif

Posted by: russau Oct 19 2013, 04:47 AM

wow! thats all i can say!!

Posted by: Mrs.CP Oct 23 2013, 10:34 AM

Here is a picture of a tree that broke about 12' off the ground and hung up in another dead tree during that bad wind storm. Not safe to leave so it definately had to go! Good thing this was the last load for the year. With heavy sticky wet snow, we had to carry all the chunks chunk tossing for this load or they turn into snowballs when they rolled. whew.gif What a workout hauling wood through the snowy woods!! Love it!! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

Was such a big heavy load by the time we were done, that CP had the old truck bucking her front end up and down in the snow when we were leaving. smiley-shocked003.gif Sure had my eyes wide open! He just laughed! laugh.gif


Posted by: russau Oct 24 2013, 03:59 AM

But it sire feels nice when the job is done!

Posted by: ColoradoProspector Oct 25 2013, 08:07 AM

Last load??!! Who said that? smiley-shocked003.gif confused0082[1].gif Snow could melt off yet and we could probably get at least 1 or 2 more good loads out of there still....... Maybe.
Truck was only buckin' a little in front 6-8" trying to stop on that slick snow. tongue.gif

Does feel good to have what we think should be the minimum needed for winters heat already cut down and off the mountain, but now we need a caber for tossin' I guess? My wife is nuts! smiley-laughing021.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Oct 26 2013, 10:54 AM

It's called adventurous CP! tongue.gif Plus it doesn't have to be a large caber (tree). Just large enough for me to toss, we have plenty of room for me to practice. music037.gif biggrin.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Feb 26 2014, 07:07 AM

smiley-clapping.gif Still lots of firewood left yet. You can even see the throwing block set up on the left side.
Split piles are getting low so it's back to the chopping block. chores017.gif

Just need to clear some tumble weeds out of the way first!


Posted by: swizz Feb 26 2014, 08:50 AM

Why isn't there any snow there? I didn't know you guys were that dry.

Posted by: ColoradoProspector Feb 26 2014, 08:00 PM

There actually was some snow until a couple weeks ago and we started to melt....what a muddy mess! We're finally drying out and not "baja'ing" to town. Had a couple nights when it still froze hard enough to freeze up the starter with all the water splashin' the day before.....grrrr!
We still have some slight chances of moisture over the next few days and then there is March...........oh boy! We'll either really get a bunch next month or the ground hog was wrong.

Posted by: swizz Feb 27 2014, 07:20 AM

Posted by: Mrs.CP Feb 28 2014, 08:10 AM

laugh.gif Too funny! That's a beautiful wolf!!! We actually got some hail last night but it's already melted this morning. Smelled great!!

Posted by: Mrs.CP Apr 2 2014, 10:46 AM

Check out this sketch that a guy at an Indian reservation in Oklahoma drew. Turned out fantastic!! The picture you put up reminded me of it. smile.gif Thought you might like to see it. I need to get a frame for it still.

Still have at least a cord of wood left and winter is officially over!

Posted by: Caveman Apr 2 2014, 04:31 PM

QUOTE (Mrs.CP @ Apr 2 2014, 11:46 AM) *
Still have at least a cord of wood left and winter is officially over!

After the first winter here, found that we need to stockpile at least 5 cords to get through a winter.... Damn expensive buying it. Got a wood splitter added to my wish list.

Posted by: swizz Apr 3 2014, 05:36 AM

I usually get by with three cords but have a small place. Gone through close to three now and glad it's about over.
Dayummmm Denise.... that sketch is incredible! I would most definitely have that one framed.

Posted by: Mrs.CP Aug 10 2014, 12:14 PM

Headed out yesterday to start cutting again for winter wood. Tim stepped out of the truck, wandered off a little then posed for this picture. She saw him but he didn't see her. giggle.gif

Great way to start the day and ended it with a truck full of firewood. happy112.gif

Posted by: swizz Aug 15 2014, 05:41 AM

You got photo-bombed by a Deer! smiley-laughing021.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Aug 15 2014, 09:07 AM

Deer was probably thinking who brought the giraffe in. giggle.gif Child needs to stop growing upward and start growing outward. Only 14 and stands around 6'1" smiley-shocked003.gif Gets the tall part from both sides of the family but got my fast metabolism. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Aug 22 2014, 08:12 AM

Here is a picture of Dan working............ slaphead.gif ....No wonder he complains about his back hurting after doing wood. giggle.gif


Posted by: swizz Aug 22 2014, 09:09 AM

LEGS! Cripes his legs are about as big as the trees.... use them! biggrin.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Aug 22 2014, 09:23 AM

Ha! He does, all day long! Amazing how many trees we can cut down in the same time as others cutting in the area. happy112.gif They will be there when we get there and still there when we leave with more wood than they have loaded. Days cutting Aspen are a breeze to us compared to the Pines though and a lot less messy of a clean up. Was amazing to see how much growth there has been since we cut that big one down. smiley-shocked003.gif Yellow flowers and grass was so high that you could barely see the stump and the rest of the trunk left not cut up yet. Here is a picture of the area after we let the light in. happy088.gif


Posted by: swizz Aug 22 2014, 09:44 AM

Great pic and it looks like you have a lot of standing dead trees to work with still.
What are your experiences with burning Aspen for heat? Just curious cuz I get some in the mix every year.

Posted by: Mrs.CP Aug 22 2014, 10:02 AM

We always get a mix also of what we cut down. I have found that Aspen burns a little quicker than the pine but a lot less pitchy, so not as much build up in the chimney. I also like to use Aspen for kindle. In smaller pieces it seems to start the fires pretty quick, then I add a piece of pine. The pine does burn longer and hotter though but also a dickens to chop. chores017.gif Love chopping the Aspen, is almost like butter compared to the knots in Pine. Plus it smells good burning I think. happy.gif

Posted by: Woody Aug 22 2014, 08:57 PM

Tim got Photo-Bombed!

Posted by: Mrs.CP Aug 23 2014, 08:11 AM

I told him...... blink.gif "Turn around but don't move fast, it's right behind you." He lost the smile on his face and slowly turned around. giggle.gif

Cool enough last night with all the rain that we had the wood stove going for the evening.

Posted by: Mrs.CP Sep 13 2014, 01:11 PM

QUOTE (swizz @ Aug 22 2014, 09:44 AM) *
Great pic and it looks like you have a lot of standing dead trees to work with still.
What are your experiences with burning Aspen for heat? Just curious cuz I get some in the mix every year.

Here is a picture of the mix we have going on.......pretty even amount of Pine and Aspen so far. happy112.gif
Lots of chopping to do though!

Posted by: swizz Sep 13 2014, 07:35 PM

Looking real GOOD! chores017.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Sep 14 2014, 08:03 AM

Lots of hard work but well worth it for us!! Also lowering our BMI at the same time. laugh.gif biggrin.gif
Still several loads to get yet but almost done.

Posted by: russau Sep 16 2014, 06:21 AM

QUOTE (Mrs.CP @ Sep 13 2014, 01:11 PM) *
Here is a picture of the mix we have going on.......pretty even amount of Pine and Aspen so far. happy112.gif
Lots of chopping to do though!

That picture kinda looks like what youll see up in the Medicine Bow Mountains in Wyoming all over the place!

Posted by: Mrs.CP Oct 18 2014, 08:36 AM

Enough wood for the winter now, so only chopping left! extra_happy.gif Was actually a rough season of wood gathering for us but we made it through it ok. Dan did get hit by a tree by another cutter when working for them, but he is ok...sure was a close one! whew.gif

As a family out cutting, we still have a perfect safety record to date though!
Working together as a team sure pays off in more ways than one!!!

Posted by: lostnewb Oct 24 2014, 10:26 AM

QUOTE (Mrs.CP @ Oct 18 2014, 09:36 AM) *
Enough wood for the winter now, so only chopping left! extra_happy.gif Was actually a rough season of wood gathering for us but we made it through it ok. Dan did get hit by a tree by another cutter when working for them, but he is ok...sure was a close one! whew.gif

As a family out cutting, we still have a perfect safety record to date though!
Working together as a team sure pays off in more ways than one!!!

I have noticed just about everytime I am out cutting that the end of the day seems to be the most dangerous. I used to cut firewood and sell it as a way to get by when I wasnt making much. Seemed like I would get tired and make mistake. Guess it takes some experience to learn when to put down the saw and head in for the day. I have a stihl ms 441 with a 30 inch bar that I thought would make cutting easier. Turns out cutting with a 13 pound saw makes for a long day. Back to the ol 026 for bucking up wood. thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

Good luck on chopping. Dad always made me do it the manual way. I can still hear him saying you will that me for this one day. Getting those nice callused hands sure does help keep the scrapes down when diggin for crystals.

Seems like those two big pieces in your wood pile would make great chopping blocks.

Posted by: Mrs.CP Oct 25 2014, 09:36 AM

I agree Lostnewb, one can get very careless by the end of the day. We always make sure we work just till were exhausted, never over exhausted. giggle.gif Nice chainsaw! Stihl is definitely the way to go I think!! A lighter saw is best but seems to me like they are all too heavy to hold up all day. laugh.gif Those two huge pieces are definitely big enough for chopping blocks. The chopping block in the last picture was chopped up into kindle and was replaced with one of the bigger ones. The other is still being used as a tomahawk throwing block. biggrin.gif

A hydraulic splitter would be nice but one can't beat the workout doing it the manual way!

Posted by: Caveman Oct 25 2014, 03:01 PM

QUOTE (Mrs.CP @ Oct 25 2014, 09:36 AM) *
A hydraulic splitter would be nice but one can't beat the workout doing it the manual way!

You're not trying to split pinion...... it's kinda like...... bash.gif

Posted by: lostnewb Oct 26 2014, 06:08 PM

QUOTE (Caveman @ Oct 25 2014, 04:01 PM) *
You're not trying to split pinion...... it's kinda like...... bash.gif

Pinion sure can be a pain in the butt even with a hydraulic splitter. I used to get a bunch of pinion off of highway 69 south west of pueblo reservoir. I used to wait until it was very cold to split the bigger pieces. For some reason it seemed to work better.


Posted by: Caveman Oct 26 2014, 06:27 PM

Been using wedges..... just got the last one back after 2 years.... Damn tough wood.

Posted by: lostnewb Oct 27 2014, 08:15 AM

QUOTE (Caveman @ Oct 26 2014, 07:27 PM) *
Been using wedges..... just got the last one back after 2 years.... Damn tough wood.

Yes it sure is. Kinda like cottonwood. Seems to never have a straight grain to it so splitting can be fun. Two years ago I had a piece of wedge come off and hit me in the shin. After pulling the piece out figure it was time to grind down that wedge. greensmilies-025.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Oct 28 2014, 09:09 AM

Nope, no Pinion Pine here to chop! The Pine we do have is hard enough to chop!! Definitely be careful using a wedge, those things can be very dangerous! I use goggles when I do but the pieces still hit me. wacko.gif If I get to a piece that I struggle with, I just put it aside and get back to it later. Have caught myself fighting pieces for over 15 minutes till I finally say...."I surrender". biggrin.gif "Till we meet next time"! laugh.gif

QUOTE (swizz @ Apr 3 2014, 05:36 AM) *
Dayummmm Denise.... that sketch is incredible! I would most definitely have that one framed.

I tried to get you a copy also but she didn't remember what tribe she got it from...not even with looking at the artists name. slaphead.gif kick_can.gif sad.gif

Posted by: Crusty Dec 28 2014, 11:40 AM

How's this for some heavy artillery!

Posted by: Mrs.CP Dec 28 2014, 11:54 AM

QUOTE (Mrs.CP @ Oct 16 2013, 08:51 AM) *
You need one of these Dan......but I can guarantee that you would be safer with yours though. happy112.gif

"" Tree is HUGE in this video!!!

I could think of more usefull ways to do something like this also, but in ways that you wouldn't have to lift it....

A girl can dream right?

thumbsupsmileyanim.gif happy112.gif

QUOTE (Crusty @ Dec 28 2014, 10:40 AM) *
How's this for some heavy artillery!

Was my thought exactly Crusty!! This was my thought on chopping it also. happy088.gif

Quoting myself.....
If I could choose something for helping split the firewood, it would be something like this dandy machine.


For now I will just use the axe.


Posted by: Mrs.CP Feb 20 2015, 03:49 PM

I have been enjoying watching this during the off season from falling trees. thumbsupsmileyanim.gif happy112.gif Love it!! purple_heart.gif
Gets the blood pumping just watching it!

"" on Hulu.

Posted by: Mrs.CP Feb 27 2015, 09:36 AM

Granted, those folks do have the best equipment for getting the job done but it can be accomplished with a bit of will power and a lot of strength. happy112.gif

Here are a couple of pictures from a few years back. Dan would drop the trees, buzz off the brush and cut up the limbs into fire wood chunks. Then I would pile up the fire wood, brush for mulch and then load the fire wood after the truck was backed up to it. Then Dan would strap the log to the back of the truck and we would pull it to the log pile, then unload the firewood...then back out for more. We did this for several months. By the time we were done, the land owner had PLENTY of firewood and over 50 logs for future building.

Amazing what just Dan, myself, a chain saw, and a beat up Blazer got done that year in 4 months.
That land owner had so much fire wood that year, he was able to sell several loads not counting what was used for firewood on his property.

Is it time to fall some trees again yet?! giggle.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP May 19 2015, 08:05 AM

It's time. Love the great outdoors!! chores017.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jun 22 2015, 03:18 PM

Whew! Temps have been hitting in the upper 90's! whew.gif Have been chopping away and swinging the sledge hammer with a wedge on some of the tougher pieces. Sure wears you out fast in these temps so had to take a break.......only because CP said I was going to kill myself out there in the direct sun. tongue.gif He's my voice of reason! laugh.gif

Posted by: swizz Jun 22 2015, 04:22 PM

That's too hot for me, be careful. Lot's of water or Gatorade! Definitely take it slowwwww.

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jun 22 2015, 04:27 PM

Thanks Chris! I'm definitely being careful but I need to be outside keeping busy.
I listen well though.........I took a break..........Now back to work. biggrin.gif

I'm loving seeing the chopped wood pile growing, especially from last years haul still. Will definitely need to be falling more trees this year though.

Posted by: Mrs.CP Nov 28 2015, 10:07 AM

Here is a hilarious video on YouTube of "". smiley-laughing021.gif
These guys are really lucky no one got hurt! wacko.gif I love how thy added Benny Hill music to them working.


Posted by: swizz Nov 5 2017, 03:54 PM

I just got a truckload! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif by, on Flickr

Posted by: Denise Nov 6 2017, 08:23 AM

Gotta love the firewood and the heat it brings! cheers.gif

Posted by: johnnybravo300 Nov 6 2017, 10:24 PM

There's nothing like wood heat.

Posted by: Denise Apr 12 2019, 09:30 AM

Getting ready for next winters firewood. 4 Cords so far that needs to be chopped and stacked. chores017.gif whew.gif

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