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Colorado Prospector - Gem and mineral prospecting and mining forums _ Photography and Observations _ Wildlife Encounters..

Posted by: Mrs.CP Feb 24 2005, 10:27 AM

I'm a big animal fan along with picture taking so here are a few of my wildlife encounters. I hope you enjoy them. ^_^


Posted by: Mrs.CP Feb 24 2005, 10:31 AM

Dan told me if it was rutting season, I wouldn't want to get to close to the elk like that.... I'll take his word for it. :D

Here is one of a Humming Bird Moth These things are really cool! B)


Posted by: Mrs.CP Feb 24 2005, 10:36 AM

Here is one of a Clarks Nutcracker I took in the Rocky Mountain National Park.
These things will eat anything. laugh.gif
Another reason their nick name is camp robbers.


Posted by: Mrs.CP Feb 24 2005, 10:39 AM

Here is a cute little baby Ground squirrel.
He was sharing a hole with 3 other brothers and sisters. ^_^


Posted by: Si_NM Feb 24 2005, 02:11 PM

Wow, great pics,,, but,, um,, are those harder to take than making little kids sit still for family portraits? huh.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Feb 25 2005, 07:11 AM

No Si, little kids are alot harder to get to sit still. laugh.gif

Posted by: Snowdog Feb 25 2005, 10:52 AM

WWWhhhhooooo am I?


Posted by: Coalbunny Feb 25 2005, 09:03 PM

Oh deer.... wub.gif


Posted by: Coalbunny Feb 25 2005, 09:06 PM

Man, only when it ain't hunting season, I get within 30 meters of two sweet 4x4 bucks! mad.gif wub.gif


Posted by: Mrs.CP Feb 27 2005, 09:35 AM

Great picture snowdog!

I only shoot them with my camera Carl, I leave that up to Dan.... :D
Plus you never know...maybe thats Santas reindeer scopping out the layout for next year. laugh.gif

Posted by: Si_NM Feb 27 2005, 07:04 PM

Do housepets count? Here is my dog Fluffy. He is a little standoffish til he gets to know you.


Posted by: Si_NM Feb 27 2005, 07:11 PM

Here is spike,, mellow.gif


Posted by: Si_NM Feb 27 2005, 07:13 PM

The only reason birds land on me is they didn't think I looked human. <_<

For those of you who know me,, this was taken the season of the padlock story. blink.gif


Posted by: Si_NM Feb 27 2005, 07:15 PM

The neighbor's pit bull. nasty dog,, a biter too,, huh.gif


Posted by: Snowdog Feb 27 2005, 09:33 PM

would you scratch my ears?----right there --no over just a little --aaahhhhhh!!


Posted by: Coalbunny Feb 28 2005, 12:21 AM

Some are just sooo cute and cuddly!


Posted by: Mrs.CP Feb 28 2005, 08:32 AM

<-------Falls out of the chair! ^_^ wub.gif

Those are great pictures! So you guys have been holding out on pets from us eh?. laugh.gif

Posted by: sgaolson Feb 28 2005, 10:36 AM

Arizona wildlife


Posted by: sgaolson Feb 28 2005, 10:38 AM

Here's another one


Posted by: sgaolson Feb 28 2005, 10:42 AM

Let's go north to Wyoming


Posted by: sgaolson Feb 28 2005, 10:46 AM

OOOps forgot to re-size that last one


Posted by: sgaolson Feb 28 2005, 10:50 AM

Sorry Garry.....Had to do it.... -_-
Besides I wouldn't exactly call her "wild" life...... laugh.gif laugh.gif


Posted by: sgaolson Feb 28 2005, 10:52 AM

Sorry Denise I already feel the SHAME..................... :(

Posted by: Mrs.CP Feb 28 2005, 12:05 PM

GARRY!! And in my animal thread! :( Feel shame.... laugh.gif

I resized your pictures for you.

Posted by: Snowdog Feb 28 2005, 02:54 PM

This one is for Si ----it's the neighbors' little horny toad-- or so they tell me!!


Posted by: Snowdog Feb 28 2005, 03:00 PM

You scratched my ears so I cloned myself--you do have two hands don't you?


Posted by: Snowdog Feb 28 2005, 03:07 PM

Now that you met my brother Darryll and my other brother Darryll --it's time to meet me---you guessed it ---I'm darryll (three) too!!


Posted by: Snowdog Feb 28 2005, 03:11 PM

6 A. M.--the sun is up and the dew is running off


Posted by: Snowdog Feb 28 2005, 03:17 PM

This one is for C.P.---next time you are in the dog house you won't have to go to town and buy them --just print it off and put in vase!!


Posted by: Snowdog Feb 28 2005, 03:21 PM

If you are only in a little " trouble " then you could use this one!!


Posted by: sgaolson Feb 28 2005, 03:43 PM

Sorry Denise, I'm a very bad boy. :( I will try to do better huh.gif But I have an excuse :o I spent all day yesterday with Russ B) It's all his fault :P

Posted by: Mrs.CP Feb 28 2005, 04:22 PM

Shame on you for blaming that on Santa... laugh.gif ^_^

wub.gif Beautiful Snowdog! This Humming bird will love them. :)


Posted by: Mrs.CP Feb 28 2005, 04:46 PM

Can you see the fish?

Heres a hint.....
He does! :D


Posted by: Snowdog Mar 1 2005, 07:10 PM

Sgaolson---this was taken 5 minutes earlier when she first got home from the hair dresser's-----or could this be one of Si' "Chupa Cabres" ?


Posted by: Snowdog Mar 1 2005, 07:15 PM

these are for Mrs. C. P.


Posted by: Snowdog Mar 1 2005, 07:20 PM

one last one----pink is always pretty!! double holly-hock


Posted by: prospector_41 Mar 4 2005, 12:37 PM

You must have a very good tele foto lens to get that close.

Posted by: sgaolson Mar 4 2005, 11:01 PM

SDOG Your Killin' me laugh.gif

Posted by: Coalbunny Mar 6 2005, 08:49 PM

Want some used goat meat?


Posted by: Mrs.CP Apr 7 2005, 07:32 AM

Here is a Mountain Bluebird.
They are so cool! This is the male bird. :)


Posted by: Snowdog Apr 7 2005, 03:12 PM

Spring has to be here --bluebirds and daf-o-dils!!!!


Posted by: Evil Ernie Apr 11 2005, 08:51 PM

So there I was, hunting the elusive yellow in Stanton AZ, and came across something that I can't I took his picture. He reminded me of a sasquatch but with somewhat of a shave and a name. He said he just came back from his first try at drywashing, and that he was hot, dirty, and hungry. I just figured that's the way he always looked. blink.gif
His name?


Posted by: Evil Ernie Apr 11 2005, 08:58 PM

Oh, one more thing, I did happen to find a little yeller, it's a little one, about 1/2 a gram. I'll get a pic post haste. But being this is a wildlife thread, I'll post one of my soon to be famous :P b&w's of my fav desert plant, the Saguaro Cactus.


Posted by: Mrs.CP Apr 13 2005, 06:21 AM

I've seen that lovable creature before...hehe
Just dont try to take his equipment or his snuffer bottle, and you should be fine. :D
You run across some of them slobbering porch cows? You have to watch your water around them. laugh.gif

Posted by: Si_NM Apr 19 2005, 02:39 PM

Snake season is upon us here in the desert. huh.gif This one is sort of a big boy,, make a little fatter because he just had a big meal.


Posted by: Si_NM Apr 19 2005, 02:49 PM

18 rattles I think. blink.gif But he didnt cooperate very much,, shake shake shake,,, made them hard to count.


Posted by: Mrs.CP Apr 19 2005, 09:37 PM

:o Eeeekkkk Si! Watch yourself out there! :)

Posted by: russau Apr 20 2005, 07:40 AM

looks like that guy had a full stomach.

Posted by: Mrs.CP Apr 20 2005, 11:44 AM

This was our 7 am encounter today. :D


Posted by: Mrs.CP Apr 21 2005, 07:11 PM

This is a Turkey Vulture. I got this pic of him today.
Man is he ugly. Its hard to see his red head. blink.gif


Posted by: wyodust Apr 26 2005, 06:10 PM

my gold buddy max sleeping in my pan, he was just a lil pup then, i dont know if he could fit in the dredge


Posted by: Mrs.CP Apr 28 2005, 02:15 PM

He's an adorable dog Wyodust.
Here is a pic I took last summer of a Blue Grouse, and they say this particular one is in the coastal region,
but I took this pic in the Rocky Mountain National Park at 10, 500' or so.


Posted by: wyodust Apr 28 2005, 04:00 PM

^_^ cool pic, i need to get max on the

Posted by: Mrs.CP Apr 29 2005, 07:10 AM

:o Grouse bully!.... laugh.gif

Posted by: wyodust Apr 29 2005, 02:35 PM

QUOTE (Mrs.CP @ Apr 29 2005, 05:10 AM)
:o Grouse bully!.... laugh.gif

^_^ them grouse look every bit as good in the fry pan as they do on a limb laugh.gif

Posted by: Coalbunny Apr 29 2005, 05:02 PM

From my trip to Stanton- A bird on a cactus.


Posted by: Coalbunny Apr 29 2005, 05:09 PM

Another one from Stanton, take a guess on it!


Posted by: russau Apr 30 2005, 06:37 AM

my guess its your right boot!

Posted by: Coalbunny Apr 30 2005, 06:26 PM

Man, you should have seen that snake! Doing is hissing and coiling! Man, what a kicker! Everybody there enjoyed it! Well, execept for the snake, that is. He coiled up so far he flipped over on his back, STILL hissing!


Posted by: Mrs.CP Apr 30 2005, 06:56 PM

Eeeekkkk! Kids, Do not try this!
Not safe Carl! Is that your hand taunting it? blink.gif
When im out taking pictures of wildlife, I only interact with them with my camera. I never mess with them. I have had animals react to the shutter on the camera and if at the wrong time of the year, It might cost ya. :o Be careful out there Carl. We prefer you without bite marks. :D

Posted by: Coalbunny Apr 30 2005, 09:40 PM

Nah, I have been bit by one of them blowsnakes. Ain't fun and fairly slow healing. Too bad I couldn't have seen a rattler, a number of us was looking for some snake steak.

Posted by: wyodust May 2 2005, 02:40 PM

ok no jokes on my skinny legs now ^_^ max at about a year and a half, hes bigger laugh.gif my legs arent


Posted by: wyodust May 2 2005, 02:52 PM

a little feller i ran into while deer hunting last fall, luckly the wife was with and she had her camera with, otherwise i would of been forced to shoot it with my 300 win mag, so i could have pics taken of it laugh.gif


Posted by: sgaolson May 5 2005, 03:18 PM

Okay, so it's not really wildlife, but, it gave me a chuckle

A man walked into a quiet bar.

He carried three ducks, one in each hand and one under his left arm.

He placed them one beside the other upon the bar.

He had a few drinks and chatted with the ducks, and with the bartender.

The bartender was surprised, but experienced enough to have learned not to ask people about animals they bring into the bar, so he didn't mention the ducks.

They chatted for about another 30 minutes before the man with the ducks had to go to the restroom.

He left the ducks there on the bar.

The bartender was alone with the ducks.

There was an awkward silence as they all looked at one another.

The bartender decided to break the ice and try to make a little conversation.

"Say, what's your name?" he asked the first duck.

"Huey," replied the first duck.

"How's your day been, Huey?"

"Great. Lovely day. Had a ball. Been in and out of puddles all day! What else could a duck want?" said the duck.

"Oh. That's nice," said the bartender.

Then he said to the second duck, "Hi. And what's your name?"

"Dewey," came the answer from duck number two.

"So how's your day been, Dewey?", he asked.

"Great. Lovely day. I've had a ball too! Been in and out of puddles all day myself. If I had the chance on another day I'd do the same again" said the duck in reply.

So the bartender turned to the third duck and said, "So, you must be Louie?"

"No," SHE said, "my name is Puddles."

"And don't even ask what kind of day I've had.". wacko.gif

Posted by: Evil Ernie May 5 2005, 06:35 PM

LMAO!!!!!!!! laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP May 6 2005, 07:06 AM

Ack Garry!
And here i thought you added a cool animal pic. :P


Posted by: Coalbunny May 6 2005, 07:42 PM

Hey Denise, speaking of pics.... you are showing a pic of what's fer dinner! :P

Posted by: Mrs.CP May 7 2005, 08:26 PM

You have Prairie Dog on your plate Carl? blink.gif hehe

This little guy gave me a scare today..... But this Garder snake is harmless.
Dan helped him pose for the picture. laugh.gif


Posted by: Mrs.CP May 20 2005, 06:23 AM

Here is a pic of a Horny Toad . :)


Posted by: wyodust May 24 2005, 04:59 PM

^_^ dan cleans up well..... laugh.gif

Posted by: wyodust May 24 2005, 05:04 PM

tell me what this is ^_^


Posted by: wyodust May 24 2005, 05:09 PM

huh.gif hope this one is smaller sheesh

Posted by: wyodust May 24 2005, 05:15 PM

try this again ^_^


Posted by: wyodust May 24 2005, 05:16 PM



Posted by: Mrs.CP May 25 2005, 07:59 AM

Great pic wyodust! Petrified wood? Sure is pretty! ^_^

I zoomed in on the first pic of it for you. I hope you dont mind. :D

Posted by: wyodust May 27 2005, 05:26 PM

lol i dont mind.....ok about what it is, i was told it is a petrified tree truck, that had a gyser spraying through it, now i dont know if its true or not, but it sure is a petrified tree trunk.....looks good in the flower

Posted by: russau May 29 2005, 06:03 AM

sure looks like a giant petrified jelly roll to me! kinda makes me hungery thinking about it! haha

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jun 15 2005, 03:15 PM

Movement in the tree. Its alive!!! ^_^


Posted by: Mrs.CP Jun 22 2005, 07:06 AM

Here is a pic of an elk peeking at us...hehe
She was not happy we were looking at her. :D


Posted by: Si_NM Jun 26 2005, 09:48 AM

Living out on this harsh summer desert, I put out a water dish for the creatures. Soon it beat taco bell as the big place to hang out. Critter central. So my next plan was to put a webcam right by the dish to see how it went. Following are about 10 minutes of activity. I'm still playing with the setup to reduce the glare.. Hopefully later pics will have better quality. Anyway,, first the bunnies. There are currently 7 to 10 who hang by the dish. All but one drink as a bunny should quick , furtive, all business, they just drink. But this one pictured is a little off. he stands in the dish itself and sort of bites the water, and unlike the others who scram when they finish,, this one has to check out the camera <_<


Posted by: Si_NM Jun 26 2005, 09:53 AM

Then the bunny sets up by the dish to stand guard. The only problem is he is facing away and 30 quail sneak up behind him and start drinking. He has no clue til a quail flutters a wing jostliing for position. The bunny about jumps out of his skin.


Posted by: Si_NM Jun 26 2005, 09:58 AM

Quail mob!!


Posted by: Si_NM Jun 26 2005, 10:01 AM

Finally,,, Heck,, It's too hot to fight,, how about we just share? ;) :D ^_^


Posted by: Mrs.CP Jun 27 2005, 07:58 AM

Great pics Si!
Glad to see the new webcam is working good.

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jun 28 2005, 07:00 AM

Here is a Marmut that we saw in Alma.


Posted by: Mrs.CP Jul 1 2005, 06:45 AM

We had a black bear in the yard yesterday, so I took his pic. :D


Posted by: Gat-Wa. Jul 5 2005, 07:28 AM

Its the Horrible Spineless Vicious Plant Eating Washington Banna Slug hehehe


Posted by: luckynugget Jul 7 2005, 09:43 AM

Now thats just plain gross blink.gif how did you get that close or are they really that big? wacko.gif shhheeeesshh!!!

Posted by: Coalbunny Jul 7 2005, 11:11 PM

The fun part is sprinkling salt on the slugs! makes'em taste better!

Posted by: Trilobite Jul 8 2005, 05:07 PM

Thats an Extremely cool slug Gat! B)
I really like the detail. I wish there were slugs like that here,
But ours are onlya couple millimeters long :P
Did you eat him after? blink.gif ph34r.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jul 23 2005, 01:52 PM

Here was an ant encounter. blink.gif


Posted by: wyodust Jul 25 2005, 12:17 PM

proof that denise will take a pic of anything :P ...good pic tho ^_^

Posted by: Coalbunny Jul 25 2005, 09:34 PM

Not so! She ain't got a pic of me yet! YEEEE HAW!

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jul 26 2005, 06:51 AM

umm... Actually I do have a pic of you Carl. From the RMMR...hehe
It was at Vic's. :D

Posted by: Coalbunny Jul 26 2005, 10:18 PM

Ok, let's see it! laugh.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jul 27 2005, 08:07 AM

In the wildlife encounters thread? huh.gif .....hehe
Ok! Here is Carl in the wild.
You were to busy to look at the cam and smile though. :D


Posted by: wyodust Jul 27 2005, 03:39 PM

^_^ shouldnt that pic be in the "things that make you go hmmmmm" thread laugh.gif

Posted by: russau Jul 28 2005, 05:01 AM

yep thats carls happy cheeks! hahahaha

Posted by: leonard Jul 28 2005, 07:36 AM

I have a few of Carl in the wild also.

Posted by: wyodust Jul 28 2005, 06:26 PM

^_^ ever heard the saying..."be careful what ya wish for" carl? laugh.gif

Posted by: Coalbunny Jul 28 2005, 11:19 PM

Yeah Wyo, yer right on that one! Just goes to show that I gotta get more sun! :D

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jul 30 2005, 08:47 AM

More sun?....... blink.gif You already look all burned up other than your legs.... laugh.gif

Thanks for sharing the pics Leonard. :D

Posted by: wyodust Jul 31 2005, 01:51 PM

max when he was just a pup wub.gif


Posted by: Mrs.CP Aug 19 2005, 06:35 AM

Nice looking dog Dan...hehe

Here is a pic I got the other day.


Posted by: Si_NM Aug 19 2005, 06:22 PM

Wildlife thread wyo? Uh,, Max doesn't look too wild,,, in fact he looks like he likes the same medicine Elvis did,, blink.gif laugh.gif mellow.gif

Posted by: Si_NM Aug 19 2005, 07:39 PM

In fact,, the government could use that picture to make ads,,,, this is your dog,,, this is your dog on drugs,,, laugh.gif :P laugh.gif

Posted by: wyodust Aug 20 2005, 02:29 AM

<_< dont diss my puppy....... laugh.gif he does look like he just had a doggie downer, ya have to see him on pheasants now tho, simply amazing

Posted by: Si_NM Aug 20 2005, 08:50 AM

He IS a cutie,, and I take back the remark about the drugs. But just remember, next time you run out of Alpo,, beer wasnt a good substitute for dinner. ^_^

huh.gif I wonder tho if that is where the term,,"maxed out",, came from,, mellow.gif

Posted by: wyodust Aug 20 2005, 07:03 PM

mellow.gif si si si *shakes head* ^_^

Posted by: Coalbunny Aug 21 2005, 10:26 PM

heh heh heh! Good one Si!

Posted by: wyodust Aug 22 2005, 10:45 AM

well si, im glad your bunnies ate your watermellon patch now.... :P

Posted by: Si_NM Aug 22 2005, 01:53 PM

Hehehehe,,, touche,,, ^_^

Posted by: cornwall84 Aug 25 2005, 07:47 AM

Well this isnt quite up to you guys standard but interesting, This is a very tired honey bee that was on top of a flower nearly dead ,i gave it a drink of water & honey and off it went.


Posted by: cornwall84 Aug 25 2005, 07:48 AM

its perking up a bit


Posted by: cornwall84 Aug 25 2005, 07:50 AM

looking for more


Posted by: cornwall84 Aug 25 2005, 07:51 AM

and off it goes


Posted by: wyodust Aug 25 2005, 02:31 PM

you hero type you, awesome pics <_< better not come sting me, i'll know who to blame laugh.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Aug 26 2005, 08:04 AM

Fantastic bee pics Cornwall! ^_^
Your pics are very much up to standards here.....hehe
Good job, and thanks for sharing them with us.

Posted by: Si_NM Aug 26 2005, 03:14 PM

Ladies and gentlemen,, may I present the new chairman of the board.

(the previous chairman was a foot shorter)

(just goes to show,, size does matter,,) mellow.gif blink.gif


Posted by: wyodust Aug 28 2005, 07:07 AM

blink.gif yikes....yup i guess ...because with that size it would of gotten my attention as well

Posted by: Mrs.CP Sep 5 2005, 10:54 AM

Thats a pretty big snake Si! blink.gif

Here is a pic I got lastnight.... Can you see him?


Posted by: wyodust Sep 7 2005, 07:09 PM

yup hes handsome, i know one place he'd look even better, but i wont say it ^_^

Posted by: russau Sep 8 2005, 04:57 AM

brilled over a hardwood fire with a bit of garlic salt!

Posted by: Gat-Wa. Sep 10 2005, 12:10 PM

Alaska Spruse Hen male


Posted by: Gat-Wa. Sep 10 2005, 12:15 PM

Young Bald Eagles in Alaska


Posted by: russau Sep 11 2005, 03:43 PM

my wildest wildlife picture is burnt into my memory! no camara could possibly capture the expression and look of fear on my face while i was ridding with carl at the RMMR. good thing i had a big rum and coke to ease my nerves! haha sorry carl!

Posted by: wyodust Sep 16 2005, 08:37 PM

cool pics gat....but could you make them a lil kidding, the grouse pic is awesome...denise knows what i think of grouse laugh.gif

Posted by: Coalbunny Sep 16 2005, 10:10 PM

That's ok Russ! There's always tomorrow! :o laugh.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Sep 17 2005, 05:50 AM

Great pictures Gat. I resized them a bit for you.
I know wyodust, you think they are very tasty. mellow.gif
Or was that Max thats thinks they are?

Posted by: wyodust Sep 17 2005, 07:07 AM

<_< is everyone in here gonna diss my dog

laugh.gif lets just say....WE enjoy them

Posted by: Coalbunny Sep 17 2005, 11:47 PM

WyoDust, fine men like you and myself, fine men that love dogs, don't go around "diss'ing" another man's companion.

Posted by: Si_NM Sep 18 2005, 08:17 AM

Wyo, it's a little known fact that there are other ways that dogs can go bad, besides taking drugs. For instance,, do you check your phone bill for 900 numbers?


Posted by: wyodust Sep 18 2005, 03:00 PM

<_< ok thats it, im heading to new mexico to take the cages off your late melon plants :P

Posted by: Si_NM Sep 18 2005, 05:36 PM

Too late Wyo, the bunnies took out my last plant yesterday :(

Posted by: wyodust Sep 18 2005, 06:13 PM

well now si, im sorry to hear that

<_< but max isnt

Posted by: wyodust Oct 24 2005, 02:56 PM

wyoming sunset


Posted by: wyodust Oct 24 2005, 03:06 PM

heres a billy antelope that kinda lives on our place


Posted by: wyodust Oct 24 2005, 03:31 PM

and a new pic of max...rawrrrr hes wild ^_^


Posted by: Si_NM Oct 24 2005, 03:56 PM

Wow, I heard designer drugs would make your eyeballs glow,, I had no idea how brightly tho

laugh.gif :P -_- :)

Posted by: jmann Oct 24 2005, 07:05 PM

Hear we go. hehehe Joe

Posted by: michael thornberry Oct 25 2005, 07:02 AM

Hello Si and Joe,
This is just so unfair, unreasonable and un-American of you(I'm choking here) ----- to tell a Wyoming man that his State looks like s--t is one thing and could be excused as jest, but, to tell him his "best", and probably only, friend is a druggy is beyond the joke. Now, when I stop laughing, I respectfully suggest that we all apologise for our un-deserved merriment at this "poor-mans" expense ------ shameful and scandalous in the extreme --- choke --- HEHEHEHAHAHA,
Kind Regards(snigger)
Michael Thornberry.

Posted by: wyodust Oct 27 2005, 12:14 PM

ok you win, im done posting pics

Posted by: prospector_41 Oct 27 2005, 01:29 PM

Don't stop putting your pixs' on the web as all lot of like to see them I for one love the one of the antelope.

Posted by: wyodust Oct 27 2005, 01:37 PM

dont worry i wont..... laugh.gif

i dont give in that easy B)

Posted by: Coalbunny Oct 29 2005, 12:43 AM

No reason to worry when you see Si's dog.... huh.gif :o


Posted by: wyodust Oct 29 2005, 06:43 AM

QUOTE (Coalbunny @ Oct 28 2005, 11:43 PM)
No reason to worry when you see Si's dog.... huh.gif :o

thats good stuff

Posted by: Si_NM Oct 29 2005, 06:44 AM

huh.gif Thats not my dog,, that's the Taco Bell dog, after he started mutating from eating too much of the mystery ingredients in the fire sauce. I think he ultimately will look distressingly similar to a pop star who lost one glove. blink.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Nov 1 2005, 11:08 AM

Fantastic pics Dan! Im a sucker for a good sunset.
Thanks for sharing them with us. :)

Posted by: wyodust Nov 3 2005, 10:40 AM

;) i know you are.... :P the picture didnt do it justice either, one of the prettiest ive to share it with wifey tho wub.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Nov 7 2005, 07:40 AM

Star from chat sent me this picture. Im not sue where she got the pic from,
but WOW! blink.gif Now thats a big bear!


Posted by: wyodust Nov 16 2005, 10:07 AM

heres a rooster pheasant i got a couple years ago


Posted by: wyodust Nov 16 2005, 10:10 AM

a hungarian partridge, max's first ever bird ^_^


Posted by: Coalbunny Nov 16 2005, 08:56 PM

Hey Si, you wanted some "Dial a Cat" numbers, right? Here ya go!


There's plenty for you to try! wacko.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Dec 5 2005, 09:57 AM

I edited your post Carl. I didnt think you putting in your girlfriends #'s was needed.... laugh.gif
Just kidding...hehe

Here is a pic I took this summer.....Sorry, Im missing the warm weather a bit.
It was -6 here yesterday, with wind chills at -30 in some areas.....bbrrrrr


Posted by: Mrs.CP Dec 5 2005, 10:05 AM

I went for a walk the other day and I was being followed.
Kind of scary because he was in rut..... :D

He followed me for quite a ways, and when I would stop, he would stop...
and as soon as I would start to walk again, it would follow.
Actually was pretty cool. :)
Here is a pic of him.

And no you cant shoot him Wyodust!! lol
BTW....Cool pics of your house decor...hehe


Posted by: Evil Ernie Dec 6 2005, 05:15 AM

Mmmmmm....backstrap....(drool).... :P


Posted by: nebraskadad Dec 16 2005, 01:45 PM

momma moose and twins - Wood River Valley - South of Meteetse Wyoming


Posted by: Coalbunny Dec 18 2005, 07:16 AM

QUOTE (Mrs.CP @ Dec 5 2005, 07:57 AM)
I edited your post Carl. I didnt think you putting in your girlfriends #'s was needed.... laugh.gif
Just kidding...hehe

Nah, not my girlfriends. Just a few ****houses in Nevada. Then again I've met (but didn't "hire) a few of them babes and.... I best shut up while I'm still alive! huh.gif laugh.gif

Si, those numbers are good if you ever need a "dry washer tender"! :P

Posted by: Mrs.CP Dec 28 2005, 10:03 AM

Thanks Carl. That was really intelligent. <_< Guess you thought you were at a dfifferent kind of forum,
because this one doesnt need posts like that. mad.gif

Beautiful picture nebraskadad. Thank you for sharing it with us. B)

Posted by: Coalbunny Jan 1 2006, 05:53 AM

I did a reply yesterday, but apparently I goofed and it didn't get posted.

I agree it's stupid and feel free to delete the post.

Posted by: wyodust Jan 12 2006, 09:18 AM

me at a old mine by douglas creek


Posted by: wyodust Feb 23 2006, 03:00 PM

took some pix from around the horse laying down with a buddy


Posted by: wyodust Feb 23 2006, 03:35 PM

^_^ then some more friends flew in for a visit


Posted by: wyodust Feb 23 2006, 03:45 PM

same shot, from a different perspective :P


Posted by: Mrs.CP Feb 23 2006, 06:02 PM

Great pics Dan! Nice to see your kitty likes birds like you do.. laugh.gif

Strange how the bunny likes the horse. huh.gif
Guess friends come in many sizes.

Posted by: Mrs.CP Feb 27 2006, 07:19 AM

Here is a pic of a friendly Fox. ^_^


Posted by: cornwall84 Mar 2 2006, 04:10 AM

Ah ,thats the resident fox denise, lock up your chickens or he will be coming over for dinner.


Posted by: russau Mar 2 2006, 06:14 AM

wow, you really got some milage out of this post! nice pictures!

Posted by: Mrs.CP Mar 2 2006, 04:01 PM

Dont have chickens anymore Cornwall, but If I did, you know I would... laugh.gif

This is one of my favorite threads Russ. ^_^

Posted by: cornwall84 Mar 3 2006, 08:26 AM

Thats a great winter coat he has it would make a fine rug. laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: wyodust Mar 4 2006, 11:43 AM

i can arrange that cw..... ^_^ new toy to try out.....sooooooo puts arm around denise......where was that pic taken ;)

Posted by: cornwall84 Mar 6 2006, 02:35 PM

I dont think that even you you can sweet talk denise into giving you that location

laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: wyodust Mar 6 2006, 04:47 PM

cp already told me cw ;)

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jul 11 2006, 01:25 PM

Here is a pic Dan took on his way to work.


Posted by: Coalbunny Jul 18 2006, 10:13 PM

QUOTE (Mrs.CP @ Feb 27 2006, 06:19 AM)
Here is a pic of a friendly Fox. ^_^

Mmmm! Nice coat, Denise! You gonna catch him? laugh.gif

Posted by: wyodust Jul 22 2006, 07:02 AM

QUOTE (Mrs.CP @ Jul 11 2006, 12:25 PM)
Here is a pic Dan took on his way to work.

nice pic dano happy.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jul 25 2006, 07:37 AM

Here is the pic he took before he scared it off. laugh.gif


Posted by: russau Jul 25 2006, 10:26 AM

nice picture of carl! hehe!

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jul 26 2006, 08:58 AM

ohmy.gif awwww, now what did that poor sheep do to you to deserve that comment Russ?....hehe

laugh.gif wink.gif

Posted by: wyodust Jul 27 2006, 02:27 PM

QUOTE (russau @ Jul 25 2006, 09:26 AM)
nice picture of carl! hehe!

huh.gif isnt that comment...cruelity to animals? tongue.gif

Posted by: wyodust Sep 7 2006, 03:19 PM

what i hope to come by this elk

Posted by: Mrs.CP Oct 12 2006, 11:42 AM

Great picture Wyo! Shame it isnt yours.... tongue.gif ...hehe

Here is one I took.
October Road Invaders. biggrin.gif


Posted by: MickMang Oct 13 2006, 09:16 AM

here's a neat pic from our fourth of july camp


Posted by: MickMang Oct 13 2006, 09:23 AM

This is a rare daytime photo of the blue and black land Manatee, this rare creature is usually only on land at nite, preferring the cold depths of a creek by day, we were able to lure this one out with a box of chocogiles and a bottle of crown royal, dont get to close! wink.gif


Posted by: wyodust Mar 26 2007, 07:21 AM

out our back window blush.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Mar 31 2007, 05:50 AM

happy.gif Its beautiful Wyodust!! Thanks for sharing the pic with us. smile.gif

Posted by: jmann Mar 31 2007, 06:56 AM

If that rooster was out my back window he would have a .22 heartattack. ohmy.gif Then off to the corck pot. laugh.gif Joe

Posted by: wyodust Apr 4 2007, 02:20 PM

huh.gif no way joe tongue.gif

Posted by: Coalbunny Apr 29 2007, 12:26 AM

MMmmmm! Diiiiiinner!


Posted by: ME CO May 23 2007, 09:50 PM

I did make a couple of friends though- the morning after hauling the dredge out I went down again to get misc. stuff and when I climbed that steep bank I startled this buck and he jumped back about 10' and stood there lookin at me broadside. I went right into my routine of "Hey Buck, how's it goin? Doin any good lately... He just stood there- stuck his nose up and smelled- figured I didn't smell human so mozied off slowly with me following still talking to him wishing I had my camera on me at the first. I got to my camera and tracked him down close to camp but after that first 10' encounter closest I could get was 20' but still got a good pic. Meet Buck
and here is one of our more sociable guests- I could hold the feeder and she would still eat- though the male even though more colorful was not nearly so tame haha. Here's my pet Hummingbird for the week.

Posted by: wyodust Nov 1 2007, 06:24 PM

i had an encounter with a mule deer buck

it lost laugh.gif

Posted by: wyodust Nov 1 2007, 06:25 PM

oops, sorry i forgot to resize the pic dan tongue.gif

Posted by: russau Nov 2 2007, 05:13 AM

Mick i have a correction for you, that is a "TAGGED" blue and black manatee. it has been marked on the lower right apendage for critter controll!haha

Posted by: Mrs.CP Mar 24 2008, 08:02 AM

ooooo Love the humming bird pic Mark! happy.gif
Cant wait till they come back........Should be soon, spring is here.

Posted by: Mrs.CP May 10 2008, 02:55 PM

Here is a picture of a Pronghorn........"the fastest mammals in North America-
They can run over 50 miles per hour (80 kph)."
This one was taken when I was out with my guys. wub.gif

Lifes much better, when you have someone special to enjoy it with.


Posted by: OkieJon Jul 6 2008, 05:38 PM

I dont have any "wildlife" pictures but old Speck is pointed on a covey of quail ; )

He was a fine quail dog until he passed in 06.

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jul 7 2008, 05:56 AM

Fantastic picture Jon! Old Speck looks like he did very well at his job.
Thanks for sharing it with us. happy.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Aug 12 2008, 05:31 PM

Guess I wasnt the only one wondering if there was gold in the pan...hehe


Posted by: russau Aug 13 2008, 05:27 AM

great point! im sure you miss him a lot! good looking dog!

Posted by: OkieJon Aug 13 2008, 09:19 PM

QUOTE (russau @ Aug 13 2008, 05:27 AM)
great point! im sure you miss him a lot! good looking dog!

Russau,I thought ole'Speck had a classy point as well,even though he didnt point with his tail at 12 o'clock like the big money guys like.
He was a solid dog on wild birds and was used as a guide dog one season.
Here is my current "brag" dog.
Hes a very nice tree hound.I am not trying to advertise him,he is no longer availabe for stud.
Now,I will quit posting dog pictures and sit back and enjoy the wonderful pictures of wildlife the like the one Mrs CP just posted.


Posted by: Mrs.CP Sep 1 2008, 05:30 AM

This is one encounter Im glad I didnt have. mellow.gif
The hole going into the web was bigger than a quarter.


Posted by: Mrs.CP Oct 2 2008, 02:29 PM

Have no fear.......I'll send in this wild mountain cat to chomp that big spider.
(Blurry picture due to the creatures fast movements)

Guess he just seems like a wildlife encounter sometimes.....hehe
He is good at eating those pesky spiders for me though. Even on command.

Posted by: Mrs.CP Feb 19 2009, 01:07 PM

This one is thinking.....Shhhhhhhh, dont move and she wont see us. wink.gif
How many can you see?

Posted by: russau Feb 20 2009, 05:36 AM

i see several deer! one is back in the creek line and one is up front behind the bush.

Posted by: Mrs.CP Feb 28 2009, 07:38 AM

There are 3 in that pic.....2 behind the bush to the left (resting)....and 1 behind to the right.

Here is another pic after they got irritated with me and decided to leave. biggrin.gif 4 In this pic.
I tend to have that effect...but usually with people....hehe

Posted by: Mrs.CP Feb 28 2009, 08:03 AM

Here are a few pictures Trevor in western Australia (TWA) sent me of some of the Koalas that have been forced into peoples yards due to the lack of water for them right now.

Pics taken by several people who have had Koala encounters.

This last one sure looks releaved after several drinks and a soakdown....hehe


Posted by: Mrs.CP Mar 23 2009, 01:31 PM

Sheesh! Im the only one who thought those pics were cute?....sigh
Thanks for sending us the pics Trevor. I loved them!

Posted by: Mrs.CP Apr 10 2009, 11:43 AM

Here are a few yard intruders....hehe
Rocky Mountain weed eaters? spock.gif
Who needs a lawn mower with them around.

Posted by: ASTROBLEME Apr 17 2009, 06:54 PM



Posted by: Mrs.CP Apr 18 2009, 08:17 AM

smiley-laughing021.gif Too funny!
Very cool picture Johnny! Whats the story behind the peeps with the sheeps?....hehe
I would love to hear.

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jun 5 2009, 06:45 AM

Here are some furry rock tenders.....hehe biggrin.gif

Marmots can be found in the high country.
These were above 10,000 feet.

Lets see your wildlife pictures.

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jun 21 2009, 07:37 AM

We have been putting the on the bird feeder.

Here are a few kinds of birds you may see....Pics pulled off the webcam page.

The one on the left is a male red house Finch, and his mate is to the right.

Here is a better picture of his colors.


This one is a bit larger. Lets see who knows their birds. groucho.gif
Can anyone tell me what this one is?

Enjoy the webcam!

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jul 24 2009, 04:53 PM

Here is another kind of feeder with another kind of bird. Im talking tiny. happy.gif

This Broad-tailed Hummingbird is only 4 1/4" big. This pic was pulled from the webcam page.

This is a picture of a Rufous Hummingbird, even smaller at 3 1/2" big. The males are a bright copper color, with red throats.
They are very agressive little birds.....and yes......He is as mad as he looks. spock.gif
Some crazy woman was in the way of his feeder.

Posted by: ColoradoProspector Jul 31 2009, 02:03 PM

Furry rock tenders? biggrin.gif

Nice birds honey happy088.gif
Here are a family of doll sheep we spotted recently out stashing a club geocahce.
Don't usually see 3 youngsters the same age in one family group but this mama seems to have triplets.

Think she may have been given us the ol' evil eye warning too.... biggrin.gif Then off down the very steep hillside they went.

Posted by: ColoradoProspector Sep 6 2009, 12:00 PM

Here's one critter we saw yesterday out scoutin' around. Was way too close of an encounter as I stepped only a foot or so from it. smiley-shocked003.gif Good thing it wasn't any closer but my heart still skipped about 3 beats! bleh.gif No bite thank you, I'll just go this way instead. stop.gif
Prarie rattlesnake, short tempered too, only tried a few pics and it started coming toward us.....time to go.
Yes, it's a tad fuzzy, told ya' my heart was skippin'! laught16.gif

Posted by: RichDColorado Sep 6 2009, 09:12 PM

Cp - In all the years I've been hunting on the eastern plains - antelope, prairie rats, coyotes, birds, etc - I've never seen a rattler in the wild. As close as that one was to you, I hope I never have that "opportunity". I think we'd have a call go out for "wet cleanup on aisle 1". Where did you come across that guy?

Posted by: ColoradoProspector Sep 7 2009, 09:36 AM

It was close to a "wet clean up on aisle 1" Rich smiley-laughing021.gif
This snake was at about 8,250 ft elevation in the San Luis Valley near Penitente canyon. Late in the afternoon when the temps were begining to drop down a bit from the heat of the day. We were in very thick underbrush about waist high, perfect snake habitat.
They say for this type situation to carry a walking stick and prod a bit ahead of you, this will let any snake know your coming and gives you a better chance to see it earlier than I did that fellow.

I've also seen rattlers at about the same elevation much further north in the Cache La Poudre canyon too, dang near jumped right in the creek that day. jawdrop.gif music037.gif In truth there are lots more snakes out there and we are all usually lucky enough not to have those close encounters.

Stay safe out there everyone.

Posted by: Mrs.CP Sep 8 2009, 06:44 AM

There are some pretty mean critters out there. unsure.gif
Here is one on the smaller side, but looks like he can handle himself. spock.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Oct 30 2009, 12:36 PM

You all know me, If I see a good photo shot Im going to take it!
This was a great spot with the water reflection perfectly still.......I get the shot all ready and take it. char098.gif But wait a minute, the water doesnt look so still now. Seems this little beaver decided to play games with me. chin.gif

It was only as long as my forearm and was hidding in some brush against the water, but now it had something fun to do. Very determined to ripple the water as best as it could, it swam out to the deeper part of the water and began to play peek-a-boo with me. biggrin.gif


Posted by: nm jack Oct 31 2009, 11:13 AM

chin.gif Mtn. almost looks like part of Alamosa Canyon emoticon-misc-004.gif

Posted by: Coalbunny Nov 1 2009, 07:18 PM

QUOTE (ColoradoProspector @ Sep 6 2009, 11:00 AM) *
Here's one critter we saw yesterday out scoutin' around. Was way too close of an encounter as I stepped only a foot or so from it. smiley-shocked003.gif Good thing it wasn't any closer but my heart still skipped about 3 beats! bleh.gif No bite thank you, I'll just go this way instead. stop.gif
Prarie rattlesnake, short tempered too, only tried a few pics and it started coming toward us.....time to go.
Yes, it's a tad fuzzy, told ya' my heart was skippin'! laught16.gif

mmmmmmM! Snake Steaks! Ya shoulda caught him and brought him down for lunchtime, Dan! LOL! stirthepot.gif

Last rattler I saw was a few months ago in Walsenburg.

Posted by: Hawkewind Jan 13 2010, 12:12 PM

Cuy......and yes, I ate it;

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jan 20 2010, 01:18 PM

wacko.gif Gads!! Flame broiled guinea pig, or rattle snake steaks?......... puke.gif

I'll pass thanks! blush.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Mar 28 2010, 05:47 AM

Nice to know Im not the only one enjoying Colorado's scenery. happy.gif

Posted by: Coalbunny Mar 31 2010, 07:35 AM

QUOTE (Hawkewind @ Jan 13 2010, 11:12 AM) *
Cuy......and yes, I ate it;

Hawke, you are da man! YEAH! Flame broiler guinea pigs. YUM!

Posted by: ASTROBLEME Apr 8 2010, 09:28 AM


Posted by: Mrs.CP Jun 3 2010, 03:58 PM

Sweet picture Johnny! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif Love the wildlife encounter pictures. Here is one I took of a baby buffalo with its momma. We actually saw the baby the first time moments after it was born, but didnt want to stress momma out too much being around taking pictures. wacko.gif This picture was taken about 5 days later. Moving in close for a good shot was a chore, as my camera doesnt have the good zoom power as Swizz or Johnny's camera does. tongue.gif biggrin.gif I said out loud to her as I moved in closer, "just one more picture pretty girl". As soon as I said that, she shook her head really hard as to say "NO". mellow.gif I was thinking to myself........ If I was the mad momma, this puny little fence wouldn't hold me back so surely it wouldn't her.......So I stopped right there and took the shot. biggrin.gif It was well worth the time and effort I think!

Spring is in the air! happy.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jun 4 2010, 02:43 PM

How about this picture, it sure has alot going on in it............Makes me think..........The time to "spring" into action. happy112.gif

I also love the little things in life, dont you? wink.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Oct 25 2010, 07:13 AM

This is one dig you dont want to race up on!
If one does, they might get to meet Mr. Badger up close. smiley-shocked003.gif
Notice the badger scat on the ground between the tailing and the bush behind the hole?

Posted by: Woody Apr 24 2011, 08:04 AM

Here is one that I took on an outing the first week of April. I was walking into the opening of an old mine pit when I noticed there were snakes everywhere. I was surprised to see I had almost stepped on several that I had passed. I could see where they were coming out of a crack in the mine shaft. I did not see any visible minerals but watching a group of Gardner Snakes come out of hibernation was worth the hike up to the shaft.


Posted by: swizz May 9 2011, 06:03 PM

Hi all,
Took a few bird pics today while I was out and about.
These are migratory birds which stop by each spring but I'm not sure what they are.
Pics aren't professional quality but ok... variable light conditions with a big lens and no tripod.
Maybe a knowledgeable bird person could help ID them.


This was a hard bird to shoot, spent most of it's time under water.


Not sure what this is, but cool bird... about the size of a chicken

Posted by: Mrs.CP May 10 2011, 06:35 AM

Great bird pictures Chris! Not sure on ID's, I would have to get my bird book out to know for sure. biggrin.gif
Don't you just love the spring time?

We've had several bunnies coming to our place to drink water and eat the bird seed. happy.gif
They are pretty funny to watch! One bunny was chasing the other around like he was a bunny caboose. She would just turn around and smack at him. giggle.gif After all the chasing around, he decided to get a drink but she had other plans. She procedded to drag the water bowl away from him. Guess he wasn't water worthy. smiley-laughing021.gif I had to bury the bowl into the ground a bit so sharing wasn't an issue.

I'm going to try to get pictures, or maybe even have them on the webcam. smiley-cool14.gif

Posted by: swizz May 10 2011, 07:04 AM

HAAA! You need to get a vid of those bunnies!

I have identified two of my birds so far.
The first pic is not a Meadowlark.... it's a Yellow-Headed Blackbird.
The last pic is of a Glossy Ibis.

Still haven't identified the the other two, but I know "Spoonbill" is incorrect.

Posted by: Mrs.CP May 13 2011, 07:08 PM

I love the bird you thought was a spoonbill, but I still can't figure out what it is. confused0082[1].gif

Well the bunnies didn't like the fact that I was out there with the camera and not the seed, but..........

Look out Hugh Hefner, the CP's have hot bunnies on cam! smiley-cool14.gif smiley-laughing021.gif

Well, hot enough to want a drink anyway. I guess Im lucky on this Friday the 13th.......I have several rabbit's feet! biggrin.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP May 14 2011, 07:37 AM

slaphead.gif Ok, Timmy wanted me to clarify that NO BUNNY WAS HARMED FOR THAT JOKE! All feet are still intact, see.
(Note the little white feet at the top of the photo)


The cat on the other hand had different plans when I set up the cam.
He moved in behind the cam and sat there as if to say..."OK, action!"

He was promptly removed..

Posted by: swizz May 15 2011, 06:21 AM

QUOTE (Mrs.CP @ May 13 2011, 07:08 PM) *
I love the bird you thought was a spoonbill, but I still can't figure out what it is. confused0082[1].gif

I have found out that it is an American Avocet.
The swimming bird is a Billed Grebe.

Love the pics of your furry friends there!

Posted by: Mrs.CP May 15 2011, 09:17 AM

Thanks Chris, I wasnt able to locate my bird books so it was driving me nuts not knowing what they were. The American Avocet sure is a beautiful! happy.gif

The swimmer was really hard to tell since it was mostly under the water. Dan said he must have been plenty full! laugh.gif
Even with the distinctive bill, I couldn't figure out what it was. I googled the swimmer (Pied-billed Grebe) and went through several pages before I found one mostly underwater, and it was a baby. Good shot you took! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

Thanks, I do love my furry friends alot! wub.gif I just wish they all could get along! gen069.gif bash.gif
Here is a picture of the cat hoping to be part of the camera crew.......I think not!

Now, not only is it routine for the bunnies to come and get a drink and eat some seed, but its also routine for the cat to come in and get a window view.

Posted by: Mrs.CP May 23 2011, 06:32 AM

Here is a cute little lizard that was in the yard yesterday. happy.gif

Some great pictures in this thread! Thanks for sharing them everyone, and lets keep them coming.
I love seeing the wildlife! wub.gif

Posted by: swizz May 23 2011, 07:35 AM

That looks like a species of Horny Toad. Very cool, I didn't know we had those in Colorado.
Great pic!

Posted by: Mrs.CP May 23 2011, 02:46 PM

Dan thinks maybe a Horned lizard? confused0082[1].gif I can't seem to find out what it is, but definately moved like a lizard.
This one was friendly enough to let you touch it. Hard to believe that these little guys squirt blood out the corners of their eyes as a defense. smiley-shocked003.gif

Colorado definately has some cool lizards!

Posted by: Mrs.CP May 26 2011, 05:36 PM

This visitor, on the other hand is NOT WELCOME in my yard! smiley-shocked003.gif
Only as thick as my index finger and not even 12" long. As you can see, it is still so young that its tail tip (the rattler) is still black.
Even scarier than an adult rattlesnake, and im sure it has brothers and sisters. slaphead.gif

Posted by: swizz May 26 2011, 06:54 PM

wow Denise, definitely a scary little critter there.
I'm not sure if it's fact or not, but I think I've heard that baby Rattlers can be more venomous than adults?
Snakes in general don't freak me out but anything venomous gets my attention.
One of the bonuses of living at altitude is little or no Rattlers up here thankfully... I've never encountered one. No Black Widows up here either but lots when I lived in Eldorado Springs years ago, don't like them.
Fascinating markings on that Rattler... maybe a small hatband or bracelet? chin.gif

Posted by: Hoose May 26 2011, 07:03 PM

Took this pic early this spring on the way to Drake of some bighorn sheep coming down to drink from the river.


Posted by: Woody May 27 2011, 10:03 PM

Hey Denise, Maybe that little feller was just out searching for his long lost cusion. I think I found him, here he is.


Posted by: Mrs.CP May 30 2011, 06:20 AM

Fantastic picture Hoose, looks like it was a great day to be out exploring! happy088.gif

I'm not sure if it's fact or not, but I think I've heard that baby Rattlers can be more venomous than adults?

In some ways they are Chris. Here is a quote I grabbed off the net........

The venom of a baby rattlesnake is the same as a full grown rattlesnake. the reason it seems more "toxic" is because they cant control the amount of venom they pump out, the way an adult snake can

actually all rattlesnakes have hemotoxin and neurotoxin included in their venim. Baby rattlesnakes, however, contains mostly neurotixin, and little hemotin. It's the neurotoxin that can be fatal. Hemotoxin is used to break down tissue, and aids in the digestive process.

Not only that, but you could be right on top of one, you won't know it because they have no rattles yet to warm you. smiley-shocked003.gif

Fascinating markings on that Rattler... maybe a small hatband or bracelet?

At this point Chris, it might make nice small patches. biggrin.gif Sorry, Im not usually a wildlife killer, but this one had to go! It was way too close to where my son plays. unsure.gif

Cool pic Woody, was that where you found it or was that just a holding spot till you delt with it?

Posted by: Woody May 30 2011, 10:56 AM

I had to put him in a box till I could deal with him. This was taken last year in Kuwait. I was opening the door to a porta-potty and noticed a movement at the base of the door. He was probably about 6 inches from my foot. I'm not one to kill wildlife unless I am going to consume or use it but this one defiantly did not need to be hanging out in our only latrine. So I put him in a box and took him out in the desert. I think it was a Puff Adder or Death Adder, not exactly sure. He had some baby blue on his markings. Kind of neat. Woody

Posted by: ASTROBLEME Jun 5 2011, 09:30 PM

I saw this ant attacking a caterpillar as it was crawling out yesterday. If you zoom in close, you can see the ant's stinger!


Posted by: ColoradoProspector Jun 14 2011, 07:50 AM

Nice pics everyone!

Here's another slithering traveler we saw recently. A 3ft bull snake out looking for a snack, thought it was cool in the pic it was doing it's rattle snake impression by compressing it's head muscles in an attempt to look more like a vipers head.

Posted by: swizz Jun 19 2011, 07:11 PM

I saw some mud-eroded Cougar tracks on my claim today but wasn't positive on the ID
.... until I followed the tracks and found this

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jun 20 2011, 01:01 PM

smiley-shocked003.gif Ewwwww, well don't touch it! slaphead.gif Hope you packed in some hand sanitizer. biggrin.gif
Is that a feather with it by your hand? Hard to tell by the picture, but is that bone in there or is that feather also? mellow.gif

Inquiring minds want to know.

Posted by: swizz Jun 20 2011, 02:35 PM

It is large cat scat with feathers and bones in it.
Pretty old stuff so I wasn't too concerned... but yes, washed my hands.

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jun 20 2011, 03:08 PM

whew.gif Even better than hand sanitizer! poke.gif giggle.gif

That snake Dan pictured above had me worried for a bit. The day after I saw it, I was telling him about it and where I had seen it.
He looks at me and says "like that" and then points out the window..........

smiley-shocked003.gif There it was again! Hey, I don't recall giving him frequent slitherer miles through our yard!! unsure.gif
It slithered through the yard past the water dish for the bunnies and stopped to smell the board that I put bird seed on, then moved along. I watched the next day, but I haven't seen it again. whew.gif

Now having to deal with a HUGE pissed off female black widow.....sigh wacko.gif
Bet she is protecting an egg sack somewhere close.

Posted by: swizz Jun 20 2011, 03:44 PM

hmmm... remember that 70s hit by Jerry Reed "I Don't Like Spiders and Snakes"? biggrin.gif

I actually like Bull Snakes. I got to know them quite well when I lived in ElDorado Springs. Some that I encountered there were in the 7-8ft range but mostly docile and fun to observe. I don't care for spiders in general but do my best not to harm them. Harmfully venomous spiders are my enemy and I destroy them if they have set up shop in my living space, otherwise I leave them alone. ElDorado Springs also has a healthy population of Black Widows unfortunately. I was always careful where I stuck my fingers and toes. unsure.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jun 20 2011, 04:12 PM

QUOTE (swizz @ Jun 20 2011, 03:44 PM) *
hmmm... remember that 70s hit by Jerry Reed "I Don't Like Spiders and Snakes"? biggrin.gif

I actually like Bull Snakes. I got to know them quite well when I lived in ElDorado Springs. Some that I encountered there were in the 7-8ft range but mostly docile and fun to observe. I don't care for spiders in general but do my best not to harm them. Harmfully venomous spiders are my enemy and I destroy them if they have set up shop in my living space, otherwise I leave them alone. ElDorado Springs also has a healthy population of Black Widows unfortunately. I was always careful where I stuck my fingers and toes. unsure.gif

I am NOT a fan of spiders!

I do remember that song, I even put it in the (middle of page 1) in the forum. I believe it was Jim Stafford who originally did the song though. I added a good one from Jerry Reed since you brought back good memories, he makes a perfect addition to that thread.


Posted by: swizz Jun 20 2011, 06:45 PM

QUOTE (Mrs.CP @ Jun 20 2011, 04:12 PM) *
I believe it was Jim Stafford who originally did the song though.

.... you are SO right, I don't even have to double-check, I remember now! Good one smiley-cool14.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jun 22 2011, 08:32 AM

What an ordeal it has been trying to make sure the cat and dog don't harass the bunnies that have been coming in. wacko.gif
It's to the point now that when I go out to fill the water dish and put out bird seed, one of the bunnies comes running in at me following me around till I'm done. wub.gif

Surprisingly, the dog only wants to watch them while she lays in the shade. She has sat before under the bird feeder watching, while the birds almost land on her. One bunny even hopped over to her as to say "what are you going to do about it", but she just watched, never moved. She enjoys the wildlife also. happy.gif

The cat on the other hand acts like he just wants to watch, but when a bunny or bird makes a fast move, he jumps up like hes going to pounce. Don't worry, I have this cat under control. He had his chance to be a good boy, but he blew it. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Woody Jun 22 2011, 09:23 AM

I seen Jim do this song in a concert at Paonia way back in the late 70's or possibly 1980. It was at the Annual Cherry Blossom Festival they have there every year. Or at least they used to. I don't know if they still have those. It was a great time for us kids. Thanks for the freebie trip down Memory Lane, Woody.

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jun 24 2011, 07:06 AM

Your welcome Woody, nothing better than a free trip down memory lane with music as the ticket to get you there. biggrin.gif

Posted by: ASTROBLEME Jul 3 2011, 04:59 PM

QUOTE (Mrs.CP @ Jun 20 2011, 05:12 PM) *
I am NOT a fan of spiders!

I'm starting to not trust spiders since one seems to be claim jumping. Check out this mini mine shaft.


Posted by: Mrs.CP Jul 4 2011, 07:21 AM

Silly me, and here I was thinking/hoping that those "mini mine shafts" were made by the Jerusalem cricket, but Timmy also found one with a big spider climbing out of it. smiley-shocked003.gif

When Woody mentioned that Colorado also has a version of the camel spider, curiosity almost got the best of me but I couldn't bring myself to ask you to elaborate. music037.gif

Guess some things are best learned hands on.
Its all Woody's fault we are seeing these things now! bleh.gif biggrin.gif
Spiders should not have hair!! Its just not right.

Female wind scorpion.....

The mellow.gif

Legend has it that it's name came from the fact that they could run like the wind. They are very fast!
The fastest can run perhaps 16 km/h (10 mph) for a short distance, nearly half as fast as the fastest human sprinter.

But while bent over observing this scorpion, it rolled into a ball and took flight into the wind towards me. smiley-shocked003.gif
Sorry, but I didn't stick around to see what it did next. blush.gif

Posted by: OklaPony Jul 4 2011, 07:43 AM

QUOTE (ASTROBLEME @ Jul 3 2011, 06:59 PM) *
I'm starting to not trust spiders since one seems to be claim jumping. Check out this mini mine shaft.


Did you pan the tailings just in case? :)

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jul 7 2011, 07:49 AM

Good question OklaPony, but Im not sure spiders dig deep enough to get a good sample. biggrin.gif
I remember at an outing in Fairplay after checking out the area, Dan made a comment about testing the dirt from a huge ant pile in a good location.
Sounds silly, but those guys started to dig and found nice gold.....all the same size. groucho.gif

Pop quiz!
cool.gif Who can tell me why all the gold found in the ant hill was the same size?

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jul 9 2011, 10:01 AM

unsure.gif No one wants to even take a crack at the answer? anyone.gif

It's pretty interesting information I think.

Posted by: Woody Jul 11 2011, 03:20 PM

You’re killing me here smalls,

I've been patiently waiting to hear the answer to the ant question. All the while I have been trying to come up with a sound, "witty" response. And once again, I got none. The only thing I can come up with is this,
Is it because they are all genetically the same size and strength and they all want to move the best/heaviest material that can find. Therefore making all the material uniform in weight?? Just my guess, Woody.

Posted by: swizz Jul 12 2011, 04:39 PM

Today's encounter.
I didn't have my dog or pea-shooter, but thankfully at least I had my camera this time! Thank God my dog wasn't there, would not have been good.
Took this while I was chinking one of the small cabins at the ranch today (ever get that feeling someones looking at you? unsure.gif ). I weigh-in at about a buck seventy... and I'd put this cinnamon Black Bear easily at twice my weight and then some. Definitely one of the largest I've seen and it wouldn't scare off. He lumbered away when he felt like it... I need to change my "go away Bear" routine to something more fresh chaplin.gif .
I took a bunch of shots but my adrenaline was full tilt and this is one of the few with good clarity.
Starin' at me like a plate of pork chops?

Posted by: russau Jul 13 2011, 06:44 AM

Starin' at me like a plate of pork chops?
No , not like pork chops but more like Swizz Chops!

Posted by: Woody Jul 13 2011, 07:36 AM

Great looking Bear Swizz. I hope you were able to have a good look at his tracks. In compairson, they should of been noticably larger than the ones we saw two weeks ago. If I see this one during Archey SeasonI'd go ahead and take him. Nice Picture, it kind of looks like he wanted to talk to you. See you on the weekend, Woody.

Posted by: dickb Jul 13 2011, 11:33 AM

Great shot Swizz! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

Nice to have the camera ready when a nice shot like that comes along.

The bear looks calm, just curious I would guess. No agressiveness about him. I bet that shot will crop down to a very nice protrait.

I just picked up a used d200 for my bag and I have AF lenses that go from 28mm out to 1000mm


Posted by: Mrs.CP Jul 13 2011, 12:00 PM

char098.gif Fantastic picture Chris, even has wildflowers! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

Dang, when you said you were a bear magnet this year you weren't kidding. smiley-shocked003.gif Your encounters have Dan and myself thinking that there may be more to it than meets the eye. chin.gif Lets break this down a bit shall we...... biggrin.gif

Well we know you like to get out there in remote places and enjoy this great land of ours.
We also know you love to prospect and fish. emoticon-misc-004.gif fishing1.gif

But wait

Bears love fish! fish.gif
Could you be mixing the two causing you to have a "fish smell" on you when you are out prospecting your hat or coat that you wear when you fish and prospect that doesn't get washed as often? Bear's have great sniffers and it wouldn't take much of a smell to bring them in. Just a thought.

Any more guesses/answers on why the gold from the ant hill was the same size? Lets hear them now so we can put poor Woody out of his misery. laugh.gif

I also took an encounter picture recently, but it gave me an idea for another fun thread.

Posted by: swizz Jul 13 2011, 04:56 PM

Thanks yous guys!
Denise, I like the fish theory... that may hold water. biggrin.gif
However... I don't think that was the case in either of my encounters this year. I think this Bear is the Ranch trouble-maker... caretaker said a Bear's been flipping over dumpsters at night. The Ranch is way off the grid and there isn't civilization for miles, large property surrounded by many miles of NF. I bet that Bear has laid claim to that turf cuz it's the only party in the woods. Odd to see him in broad daylight though... scarier at night I bet.
My other Bear encounter this spring was also in broad daylight but a worse scenario, it was in interested in my dog tied up at camp. Bear was on the other side of the creek facing her with front paws in the water until it saw me. Lulu was fired up and ready for action on this side of the creek with her paws in the water snapping and such... Jesus that was a panic. It was all I could do to furiously untie her from the tree and scramble to drag her into the safety of the vehicle. I then faced the Bear and it stayed there for a while after I secured Lulu... listening to me yelling at it... then it walked upstream and disappeared. That was spring and I suspect that one had not been out of hibernation long. We made eye contact for a while (10 seconds?) and I'm really curious what that one was thinking. It didn't give me the impression that it was hostile but I have to wonder what would have become of my dog if I wasn't there. I didn't see any cubs around but ya never know in a situation like that. It was an adult but not as big as the one I just took pics of.

Posted by: swizz Jul 14 2011, 06:34 AM

QUOTE (Mrs.CP @ Jul 13 2011, 12:00 PM) *
Any more guesses/answers on why the gold from the ant hill was the same size?

My guess is that the ants' mandibles can only open to X width... restricting the size of material they can transport.

Posted by: ColoradoProspector Jul 15 2011, 06:59 AM

The ants are actually very strong for their size. Although much of what they use to build their colonies are heavier than each ant, they can move/lift up to 30 times their own weight. Imagine if you weigh in at 100 pounds, you could lift 3,000 lbs...... smiley-shocked003.gif
So we'd have to assume weight isn't the factor.

Size of the gravels comes from the requirements of air circulation and heat/temp regulation within the colony. Each species of ant uses only a certain size range of materials and very intricately designs the colony to stay a certain temp, drains off water, etc.....all just for the sake of the colony/larvea's exsistence.

When in gold bearing dirt, the ants there (which ever species) will gather any gold pieces that fit their size range and use them along with all other gravels found of that size. Smaller ants like black ants will have tiny gravels where as some of the larger carpenter ants (red and black) will gather much larger gravels and the gold found on those will be nice little chunkers not flour! smiley-cool14.gif And don't worry, ant's float well they'll just walk of the water after wards and's what they do. chores041.gif


Posted by: Coalbunny Aug 2 2011, 12:57 AM

And when dealing with gold less than 2.5mm in size on a placer claim, the ants are your best friends.

When you are working your claim, assess the gravel size & frequency. IOW out of a cubic yard of bank run, how much is 6" or larger, 3" to 6", 1" to 3", <1", etc., and then calculate the amount of material you would have to move to equal the work the ants have performed. If the anthill is 3.5' dia. and 8" tall, you have approx. 1.68 cubic feet of material you can test, if bringing the hill level to the surrounding terrain.

If on a 20 acre claim you find 45 ant hills (not unusual, but conservative), you now have 75 cubic feet of material to test and map. Calculate the equal man-labor to do the testing and calculate the expense you would incur to do the testing. There's your proof of labor.

So when you see an anthill, pay them for their efforts. thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

Posted by: 79CHIEF Sep 15 2011, 11:56 AM

Ruby Throat Hummingbird Mobile Al. Sept. 2011

Posted by: Mrs.CP Sep 17 2011, 06:15 AM

Fantastic picture Dean! Hummingbirds are tough to get pics of in flight but you nailed it. I would love to see more of your photography.
Thanks for sharing the photo with us and keep up the good work. happy088.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Sep 19 2011, 07:30 AM

No gold found from these ants! wacko.gif

This is a cool piece of wood that the carpenter ants made a home from.........We were told that if we feed the uninvited guests uncooked grits for breakfast, that they won't be a problem anymore. confused0082[1].gif

Pics of the ants coming soon....... ph34r.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Sep 20 2011, 07:22 AM

Here is a picture of the ants........

NOOOOOO, not on the chalcedony!!! smiley-shocked003.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Sep 20 2011, 02:50 PM

Carpenter ants are one thing, but it's a whole different story when you hear your child yell out "RATTLESNAKE!!!" smiley-shocked003.gif

It's even scarier to get there and find a Mojave (green) rattlesnake right up against your place shaking it's thing. wacko.gif
Beautiful lime green color, but had to go!

Posted by: Mrs.CP Sep 26 2011, 08:25 AM

I have never personally killed a rattlesnake....or any snake for that matter, so CP took the opportunity to give Timmy and myself a lesson while we both were there. eating-popcorn-03.gif He's a great hands on teacher!

Gads!! Was like a scene right out of a horror movie! smiley-shocked003.gif I have heard stories of what happens when you kill them, but it's alot different seeing it for yourself. Enough to give a person nightmares!! wacko.gif I have to say that Timmy was officially freaked out, but now has more knowledge on how dangerous they really can be.....even dead!

Thanks for the lesson CP!

Posted by: OklaPony Sep 26 2011, 08:56 AM

QUOTE (Mrs.CP @ Sep 26 2011, 10:25 AM) *
I have never personally killed a rattlesnake....or any snake for that matter, so CP took the opportunity to give Timmy and myself a lesson while we both were there. eating-popcorn-03.gif He's a great hands on teacher!

Gads!! Was like a scene right out of a horror movie! smiley-shocked003.gif I have heard stories of what happens when you kill them, but it's alot different seeing it for yourself. Enough to give a person nightmares!! wacko.gif I have to say that Timmy was officially freaked out, but now has more knowledge on how dangerous they really can be.....even dead!

Thanks for the lesson CP!

What, no video or even pictures? :)

Posted by: swizz Sep 26 2011, 09:57 AM

I'm guessing it went something like this:

Posted by: OklaPony Sep 27 2011, 07:03 AM

LOL! That must've been some fight!

Posted by: Mrs.CP Sep 27 2011, 08:09 AM

QUOTE (OklaPony @ Sep 26 2011, 08:56 AM) *
What, no video or even pictures? :)

Ummm, no........I was too busy paying attention to the instructor and the snake. mellow.gif

Too funny Chris! smiley-laughing021.gif It wasn't that gory, but it sure was mind boggeling to see the head (several minutes later) smelling and trying to bite still. slaphead.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Oct 11 2011, 05:09 AM

Here is a cool Dragonfly that survived the cold and the snow. Poor thing seems to have an issue with it's upper right wing, so it wasn't able to fly. sadno.gif I found it a good spot to hang out and warm up. happy088.gif

Lets see those pictures everyone!

Posted by: Mrs.CP Nov 3 2011, 10:01 AM

This was a little encounter we had. It's not wildlife but If it didn't get out....he may have had a wildlife encounter himself that evening. smiley-shocked003.gif He was sure fighting to get out, but his front legs wouldn't move.

We reported it to one of the locals that said they would call it in. Hopefully they got it out, because temps that evening reached a low of 6.......brrrrr.
The water is not a place one wants to get stuck in for the evening. sadno.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Nov 19 2011, 08:13 AM

Oh deer, they're looking at us. giggle.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP Nov 25 2011, 11:46 AM

A change in the weather as you an see. The bunnies we're sleeping in this morning, but the birds still venture out to get a drink and some seed.

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jan 1 2012, 08:46 AM

giggle.gif Looks like Prancer is getting some well deserved rest after all his hard work from Christmas.
Nothing better than relaxing with the ladies in the sunny San Luis Valley. groucho.gif

Happy New Year Everyone!!

Posted by: Mrs.CP Apr 19 2012, 09:48 PM

Here is a cute little video I took of a couple of bunnies showing part of their courting ritual.
They usually get out into a clearing and almost looks like a bull fight.....and when the one charges, the other jumps up into the air and the other runs under it. They land and turn around and repeat. It looks really cute to watch. eating-popcorn-03.gif smiley-laughing021.gif


 Bunny_Funny1.wmv ( 2.16MB ) : 502

Posted by: swizz Apr 20 2012, 08:58 PM

Good bunny flick Denise! smiley-laughing021.gif

Here's a pic of my lunch partner during my last log chinking project.

Posted by: Mrs.CP Apr 28 2012, 09:10 PM

It's adorable! It almost looks like it was posing for you. signs021.gif

Posted by: swizz May 7 2012, 01:04 PM

(hey, speaking of "adorable"....)
What a nice surprise spring has brought to the homestead this year..... Fox pups!
They are clumsy and really funny to watch playing.

In about 10 seconds Mom came strolling up with lunch and I left immediately soldier.gif

As I was turning I noticed Dad close and giving me the stink-eye! He's not making a happy-face (you can tell by his ears). unsure.gif

Posted by: Mrs.CP May 8 2012, 06:19 AM

thumbsupsmileyanim.gif Those are fantastic pictures Chris!! char098.gif The mother is beautiful!!!
Don't you just love this time of year!

Posted by: Mrs.CP May 17 2012, 09:39 PM

Love seeing the wildlife babies! wub.gif Those fox pups sure are cute!!! Here is one of many little baby kits (bunnies) that have been in the yard lately. This one was playing hide and seek from me under a pallet. It is small enough to fit in my hand. cloud9.gif

Posted by: swizz May 18 2012, 07:42 AM

HAAAA.... what a mug!

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jun 2 2012, 10:43 AM

The babies are growing quick. Bet those fox pups are also. Here is a picture of one (out of 4) of the baby bunnies that was enjoying the new spring foliage.

Posted by: Mrs.CP Jun 5 2012, 02:59 PM

This baby bunny thinks 80 is hot enough to take a break in the shade for a bit......I agree! whew.gif

Sorry, I have been the bunny paparazzi lately.....but I have a deal going with them so it's ok.
greensmilies-025.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: swizz Jun 5 2012, 03:02 PM

what the????? smiley-laughing021.gif
That one is also from the Groucho family.

Posted by: Woody Jun 24 2012, 07:01 PM

Have you ever been out having fun with your friends and you decided to take a picture? And of course there is always someone there in the back ground just trying to mess up the shot for you. Well that happened to me two weekends in a row.

Here take a look at these and you will see what I mean ~lol~


Posted by: Mrs.CP Jun 26 2012, 04:06 PM

Oh "deer" Woody! Don't you just hate when that happens. giggle.gif

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